散曲一百首 (一)

作者:程永生 责任编辑:潘万培 信息来源:民建安徽省委网站 点击量:2524 发布时间:2020-08-10 11:24:49



One Hundred Sanqu in Series



Cheng Yongsheng



[Zhonglu·Happy to Have Spring]The Shungeng Mountains

In south, in rainy fog, buildings are high,

In north, mines deep, plants alien under sky. 

From east to west, the Shungeng Mountians lie.

In changed course, Huaihe River goes,

When to the Yangtze, may I ask, it flows?



[Zhonglu·Happy to Have Spring]The Dragon Eye Reservoir

The Dragon Eye Reservoir offers charm,

On green oases, willows and egrets fly,

Hooks and nets hope for fat fish as supply.

She walks with grace, oh, why?

And back with a gentlemen arm in arm.



[Zhonglu·Happy to Have Spring] About an Excursion

By Tinkling Pavilion, tinkles the spring,

By Playing Pond, melodious songs they sing,

On the pine hill, love songs to music string.

The songs have not come to end for the day,

Young ladies see off the sun which can’t stay.




[Zhonglu·Happy to Have Spring] About Spring Flower in Shanchong

Snow-white pear and red-faced peach are in bloom,

Chinese chestnuts and yellow rapes’re in boom

Shimen Pond lies quietly under great dome

Waves in the creek jump high,

So high that they could rinse the sky.




[Zhonglu·Happy to Have Spring] Drizzles in Pearl Spring

In series, the bubble pearls all come out,

As graceful ladies are knocking about.

The east wind brings drizzles to peaches stout.

We’d ask Miss Fan, the guide,

If she feels tired out after so much ride.

Note: Bubbles come from the spring as if they were pearls. If you shout or knock around the spring, the pearls will come out in a much greater number.



[Yuediao·The Little Peach Red] The Jiaogang Lake

Thousands of mu of lotus are in bloom,

Around the lake fishermen’re in life boom

Youths show their love as if bride and bridegroom.

So harmonious they are,

Though tourists come from foreign lands afar.

Water chestnuts and wild ducks are mature,

Lotus and geese are charming, we are sure

We are in fairy land, simple and pure.



[Yuediao·The Little Peach Red] The Huangmei Opera

The Cowboy’s loved by a fairy, though hard in life,

One in heaven, one on earth, though husband and wife.

From the cold kiln, Dong Yong goes for life strife.

Suzhen sheds tears,

In palace, she tells worries without cheers.

The prettiest girl gives him love peep,

The oil vendor shows his love deep,

When they meet by bridge small and steep.



[Yuediao·The Little Peach Red] The Late Spring

The late spring wind peach flowers can’t stand,

Twigs green but petals fall to land.

To earth cracks, petals the wind blows.

Oh, we’re sorry for those,

After dream, to hell, their soul goes.

Azaleas bloom red left and right,

Cuckoos sing of sorrows on site,

To wake up seedling boys from night.



[Yuediao·The Little Peach Red] Drifiting in the Longtan River

Bamboos and cedars cover mountains green,

They dress the Longtan Pond charming and clean.

Bestowed by God, the river’s crystal clear,

Please drift slowly, my dear

From caves, bamboo rafts and logs start from here

On waves, they are moving

Now up, now down, they are shaking

Now right, now left, they are waving

A life of hardship and pleasure they are living!



[Yuediao·The Little Peach Red] About the New Willow

With buds on her tender twigs, the willow,

Dips in water and plays with fish a few.

After short departure, we meet again,

I will follow you fine or rain,

To tour south or north by bus or by train.

I’d go to those shoals and reefs short or long,

To lonely lakes and islands all along,

And make distance light and my body strong.


