
作者:程永生 责任编辑:潘万培 信息来源:民建安徽省委网站 点击量:2493 发布时间:2020-03-17 10:51:36

Six Cut Verses in Praise of the Battle against the Novel Coronavirus

Cheng Yongsheng







Expecting the Spring

——After the spreading of the new coronavirus from Wuhan to other areas, people of China seldom go outdoors. But Professor Xun Shoukui still goes out to take photos of the snow covered landscape. The rare act should be treasured and so I write a few poetic lines to mark it.

A few plum flowers expect spring times a few,

Flying snow polishes th’ morning brand new.

The Yangzte’s warmer but no duck in flow,

The Devil in Wuhan blocks passage though.

(Translated on05/02/2020)






Praying for Wuhan on the Beginning of Spring

Having passed winter, looks for spring the crane yellow,

At Hubei, new virus the evil fog does throw.

Shoots fire at the devil, the angry Fire God Hill,

And all disasters are crushed with a magic mill.

(Translated on 05/02/2020)







Random Thoughts before the Lantern Festival in the Year of Gengzi

——Troubled by the novel coronavirus, the exciting Lantern Festival is not exciting at all, hence the following poetic lines to mark the occasion.

Th’ mighty Door God can evil spirits kill,

The bright moon tells us it’s yuanxiao tonight.

My wife is used to the excitement still,

She turns TV on, tunes it left and right.

(Translated on 06/02/2020)






Asking Chang’e

Before the Lantern Festival, Chang’e ask I,

In Toad Palace, how much’s left of cabbage and rice?

Is Jade Rabbit in arms alright, body and eyes?

Is the laurel tree still luxuriant in the sky?

(Translated on 07/02/2020)






Random Thoughts about the Lantern Festival of Gengzi

Humans miss Chang’e on each fifteenth Day,

On yuanxiao, the love song the Moon’ll review.

Doors and windows closed, comers find no way,

With Jade Rabbit, she has no ideas new.







The Spring at the Window

——After being informed of Defeng’s stay at home for 20 days during the Spring Festival

Since the virus locked their vill days ago,

New Year’s Holidays, outdoors we didn’t go

Spring’s at window to lure us out to play, 

With cups filled up, at home, we have to stay.

(Translated on 16/02/2020)

【诗人、译者简介】   程永生,安徽潜山人,安徽理工大学教授,北京吉利学院教授,安徽省文史研究馆馆员,中华诗词研究会会员,发表诗词曲近千首,著有《英汉对照律诗绝句二百首》,建有个人微信公众号《淮风皖韵文学)。

About the author and the translator:

A native of Qianshan City, Anhui Province, Cheng Yongsheng served as professor of English in Anhui University of Science and Technology before retirement and now he is employed by Beijing Geely University as professor of English and works concurrently as a member of Literature and History Research Institute of Anhui Province. A member of China Poetry Research Association, he has published nearly a thousand poems in various paper and WeChat journals in addition to a collection of poems entitled Two Hundred Chinese Regulated and Cut Verses with English Translations. And he has been running his personal WeChat account Literature of Huaihe and Wanshan Style.


